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Oxford University
Saïd Business School

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Oxford Saïd MBA Essay Analysis

(Application cycle 2021-22)

Oxford Saïd MBA Required Essay


Tell us something that is not covered in your application which you would like the Admissions Committee to know about you. (Maximum 250 words)

Oxford provides applicants plenty of space in the Academic and Work Experience sections to give the admissions committee a full account of these. Therefore, the 'Anything else' essay is where you must show them your personality.

Recounting a list of roles and achievements will not cut it here. Nor will repeating your academic or professional achievements.

I encourage applicants to talk here about their personal life, particularly emphasising characteristics that link to their professional goals in one way or another. Tell a story of a time in your personal life when you showed one or more of the 12 character traits they're looking for.


Perhaps a travel story to show your ability to mingle with people from different cultures. Or perhaps the story of your first entrepreneurial activity, particularly what lessons you learned from this.

Oxford Saïd MBA Re-applicant essay 


What improvements have you made in your candidacy since you last applied to the Oxford MBA? (Maximum 250 words)

Discuss what you did to improve your profile since your last application for example any additional courses or qualifications you've earned. Highlight any improvements to your GMAT/GRE score. Discuss steps you've taken to better get to know the program, such as visits, and mention any new, staff, alumni or students you've spoken to since last time.

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