MIT Sloan MBA Recommendation Questions
MIT Sloan is known for its rigorous and highly analytical curriculum and focus on technology, entrepreneurship, and data analytics. While the ideal Sloanie is analytical, enterprising, and passionate about solving complex problems, they are also deeply committed to the school’s values of collaboration and supporting others.
So while it is important to demonstrate intellectual rigor, an innovative learning mindset, and creative problem-solving skills, it is equally important to highlight how you can show up for others and support their professional and personal development. When you guide your recommenders to write your MIT Sloan letters of recommendation, make sure you highlight these values.
How Many Letters of Recommendation Does MIT Sloan Require?
MIT Sloan requires one letter of recommendation, preferably from a professional contact. You will also be asked for the contact information of two additional recommenders, who may be contacted at any point during the evaluation process if the AdCom requires additional information about your profile or background.
Ideally, your Sloan recommendation will be from your current supervisor or manager, or from your most recent supervisor or manager. Your recommender should be able to discuss in depth your performance and potential for leadership and success in the MIT classroom. The school specifically states that recommendations from family members will not be accepted.
MIT Sloan MBA Recommendation Questions 2024-2025
Recommender Information & Ratings
Section 1: Recommender Information
Context of Relationship
Nature of relationship
How long have you known the applicant?
Section 2: Ratings
Please rate the applicant on the following criteria, in relation to other high-potential people you know.
Truly Exceptional (best in 5 years)
Outstanding (best in year)
Above Average (top 25%)
Average (top 50%)
Below Average (bottom 50%)
Leadership Potential
Intellectual Curiosity
Energy and Initiative
Ability to Work in a Team
Oral Communication Skills in English Language
Written Communication Skills in English Language
Analytical Thinking and Reasoning
Based on your professional experience, how do you rate this candidate compared to her/his peer group?
Unable to assess
Below average
Very good (well above average)
Excellent (top 10%)
Outstanding (top 5%)
The best encountered in my career
I do not recommend
Recommend this applicant, with reservations
Recommend this applicant
Enthusiastically recommend this applicant
MIT Sloan MBA Recommendation Questions
Please upload a letter or one document that addresses the following questions and cites specific examples or observations about the candidate. Recommendations should be no longer than two pages.
How long and in what capacity have you known the applicant?
How does the applicant stand out from others in a similar capacity?
Please give an example of the applicant’s impact on a person, group, or organization.
Please give a representative example of how the applicant interacts with other people.
Please tell us anything else you think we should know about this applicant.
Describe the most important piece of constructive feedback you have given the applicant. Please detail the circumstances and the applicant’s response.
Applicant Ratings
The MIT Sloan Letter of Recommendation form asks your recommender to rate you on 10 broad criteria that evaluate your ability to thrive in the MBA classroom.
Your recommender’s ratings give the school an accurate picture of your strengths in specific skill areas. That’s why you should guide your recommender to think deeply about these ratings and not simply mark everything as “Truly Exceptional”. The school may think that your recommender doesn’t know you well enough to fairly assess your strengths and weaknesses, which could weaken your overall recommendation. So, choose the highest rating "Truly Exceptional" for 6-7 skills, the second highest "Outstanding" for 1-2 skills, and the third highest “Above Average” for 1, if there are any areas for improvement in your profile.
Recommendation Letter
Your recommender should write a one-two page letter addressing each of the six recommender prompts given.
First, they should establish rapport. Ask them to begin by briefly outlining your interactions with the recommender and your role within the organization. This will help establish the context of your relationship and interactions.
Next, they should highlight your strengths in relation to your peers in similar roles. Request specific anecdotes that demonstrate your strengths. These anecdotes should ideally be presented in the SCAR method (Situation, Challenge, Action, Result) for clarity and to demonstrate impact. Within these anecdotes, ask your recommender to highlight two to three key character and leadership skills they have rated you on.
Note that MIT Sloan places special emphasis on your impact on other people, groups, or organizations, as well as your approach to collaboration and teamwork. So, if anecdote 1 highlights your analytical and innovative thinking skills, anecdote 2 should highlight your interpersonal strengths specifically, such as your ability to support and uplift others, resolve conflicts, and foster a collaborative and inclusive work environment.
In addition to your strengths, the school also wants to know that you can objectively view your weaknesses and work to improve them. Prompt your recommender to share a story, again in the SCAR format, that illustrates a failure, challenge, or a weakness that impacted your work or team. Ask them to describe the feedback they gave you and how you incorporated it in future projects or situations. Emphasize the learnings gained from this experience.
Finally, your recommender could add anything else of note in this letter. This could include an assessment of your potential for success in an MBA program and your long-term career, any current groundwork you are doing to prepare for the MBA, or any research or projects you are working on together.
Our complete Recommender Guide course on has all the advice (and sample letters based on real applicants) you need to create a compelling letter of recommendation. Check it out here.
Want personalized support for your letters of recommendation? Book a chat with us today!